Why do we shout in Anger?

This is a beautiful forward that I received from a friend a couple of days ago. It truly gave a new perspective to the following question, “Why do we shout in anger?”


An enlightening piece of information!!! I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I did.


Here it is, as from the forward…


A saint asked his disciples, “Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?” Continue reading “Why do we shout in Anger?”

My experiment with Isha Yoga

Yoga, this mystic word seems to simply spell bound every individual who wants to do something about his mind and body. I am no different. I have been having the urge to take this up as a quest for better attainment for many months now. In my search for the best road, I came across many, few of which were as weak as a Chennai road which erodes away in one downpour. There were also a few which seem to be as high as the mighty Himalayas, demanding not just time and effort, but also a lot of determination and guts to reach the peak. They all had a lot of glamour, but not the radiance I was looking for. Then, I came across a path, a path in which many seemed to have travelled and reached the places they wished to go. I hoped that this would lead me to my goal. I had heard about it many a times, but never gave it a second thought until I saw the man behind the show on Televison program. His answers to the questions on life and spiritualism seem to be simple at the outset, but it carried so much inner meaning. It is this simplicity that was giving power to the mysteries it held. It seemed to have a charm that enticed the onlooker into its realm. That day, I decided to learn Isha Yoga and understand the teachings of the Sadguru. Since I am calling this as my quest in the world of Yoga, I have chosen to call this post as my experiment rather than my experience. Continue reading “My experiment with Isha Yoga”

TN-07-AL-4777 – Movie Review





I have not seen Taxi no. 9211 and so this review would not hold any comparisons drawn between the original and the remake. TN-07-AL-4777 is the remake version of Taxi no. 9211 in Tamil.


Pasupathy, Simran, Ajmal and Meenaskshi are the main cast in the movie with Vijay Antony hitting the music scores and Laxmikanthan, the director. My wife and I went to this movie simply because we are huge fans, me of Pasupathy and my wife of Simran. The movie did not disappoint us in terms of entertainment in any ways. Continue reading “TN-07-AL-4777 – Movie Review”

Jade Goody.. a battle with Cervical Cancer




I am sure most of us would remember Jade Goody from Big Brother when she had the racial row with Shipa Shetty. That was the first time I heard about her. After a few days of eventful readings about the issue, I had completely forgotten about her existence. Until two weeks ago, I did not even give her a moment, but now after reading the articles about her, she does not seem to go out of my thoughts and I inadvertently seem to pray for this brave girl every time I read a post about her. Continue reading “Jade Goody.. a battle with Cervical Cancer”

My Baby’s Day Out…

It was the 12th of February 2009, exactly nine months after she came into our lives, Manya, our little princess, had her ear pierced and head shaved as per family customs. For eyes to behold, our little angel did look like a princess, all dressed up in her paavadai and chattai (skirt and top in Tamil), glittering mottai (shaved head in Tamil) and beautiful studs in her ears. The entire event took about five hours starting from the moment we left home, until all guests finished lunch at Saravana Bhavan, but the build up towards this day started close months ago.  Continue reading “My Baby’s Day Out…”

Naan Kadavul – Movie Review



 Naan Kadavul, I watched this movie with my friends at Satyam Cinemas in Chennai. My wife declined joining us as she was scared by her friends that it was a “GORI” (scary) movie. I am really glad that she did not come with us, not because I got to spend some time with my friends but for the disappointment this movie was. It definitely did not look like the fruits of three years of hard work. The first message I sent her just 15 mins into the movie was “I am glad that you did not come”. The movie would have passed through as a documentary in Doordarshan if only it did not have the song sequences and the hero fighting the villain scenes. This movie is a double documentary, one on the Agories of Kasi and the other on the life of beggars in a village in Tamil Nadu. Continue reading “Naan Kadavul – Movie Review”